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Biennial Conference Scholarship Programme

Applications for the scholarships for the 17th Conference (Buenos Aires, Argentina) will be accepted until 15th June 2024


Biennial Conference Scholarship Programme

The Biennial Conference Scholarship Programme was created by the IHPST Council to assist members in attending our Biennial Conferences. Scholarships take the form of a financial support of 500 American dollars for travel and accommodation. Four (4) scholarships will be awarded for this year’s Conference.



Scholarship awards are based on: financial needs of the applicant, whether the applicant is presenting at the conference, distance he or she must travel to reach the conference site, and a statement of how the applicant (and his/her host institution) will benefit from attending the conference.



Applicants must be an IHPST member in good standing at the time of the application and they must be registered in the Biennial Conference. Preference will be given to those who have not previously received a scholarship.

Ineligible: IHPST elected officers, IHPST Board members, IHPST Conference Scholarship Committee reviewers, and recipients of biennial conference scholarships for the last biennial conference.

The IHPST is committed to diversity. Members of minority and under-represented groups, as well as members from depressed economies, are encouraged to apply.


Selection and Award

All applications that arrive on or before the deadline will be acknowledged. Late applications will not be acknowledged. Please do not include photographs or large files.

Applications for IHPST scholarships are confidential and will be seen only by the IHPST Scholarship Committee reviewers. Selection will take place by the 15th July 2024 and all applicants will be notified of the results as soon as possible.

If you are awarded a scholarship, you should pay the Conference registration fees with the same value of the early registration. If you cannot attend the Conference, please notify us asap so the award can be given to the next qualified applicant.

application form