17th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference - IHPST 2024
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2-6 September 2024
Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. Agustín Adúriz-Bravo
The conference was hosted by the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and its theme was “Trusting school science again”. Around 115 academics from 13 countries actively participated in the conference. Two keynote plenary lectures were delivered by Prof. Olimpia Lombardi from CONICET, Argentina, and Prof. Cyrus Mody from Maastricht University, the Netherlands. The conference also featured a workshop for Ph.D. students and two parallel hybrid sessions of short presentations by K-12 science teachers. In addition to the academic part, the program included a welcome reception with tango dancers, a trip to the city of La Plata and its museum, and a cultural night at the Teatro Empire.
IHPST 2024 Biennial Conference Page
